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Forschungswerkstatt (Engl)
Peter Steidinger

Contents Based on the topic of self-efficacy, we will develop and carry out a research project. The module will focus on a critical examination of theories as well as on the collection and evaluation of quantitative data. A short introduction into qualitative methods willl be also provided.
Aims The students will:
  • develop their abilties to understand and analyse theories in the field of education (relevant for Portfolio work, the theoretical parts of an empirical study or a literature-based work).
  • become familiar with the main steps of an exemplary research project by developing a research question and choosing the appropriate research methods for their question.
  • collect and evaluate data (under guidance) in order to develop a knowledge of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods.
Standards Zuordnung zu:
  • SF 1: Knowledge of subject and application of this knowledge
  • SF 4: Independent learning, critical thinking, problem-solving creative work
Module structure 2 weekly lessons in the form of a workshop; preparation using material which has been uploaded on ILIAS; smaller assignments
Attendance Obligatory attendance of 80%
  • Content: a literature-based study; an empirical study
  • Form: short theoretical paper (individual work); a report (groupwork)
  • Submission dates: Theory paper in week 12, Report in week 27
Literature Will be uploaded onto ILIAS