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Fachdidaktik Englisch (Advanced - FS)
Adrian Juric

Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte
  • Teaching the Four Competencies: Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking
  • Teaching Vocabulary
  • Teaching Grammar
  • Teaching Literature
  • Choosing and Assessing Learning Materials
  • A Plurilingual and Intercultural Approach to Language Teaching (European Language Portfolio)
  • Assessment in the EFL Classroom
  • Technology Assisted Language Learning
  • The 10 Areas of Competence for Teachers
Zielsetzung This course, run from a humanistic and student-centred perspective, is designed to empower trainee teachers by developing their skills and confidence in facilitating the learning of English as a foreign language. Students will reflect on all key aspects of language learning in an upper secondary school context; they will develop and improve their teaching practice, informing it with theory, to become the best teachers they can be. Here is a selection of specific competencies to be developed. Students can:
  • critically assess their teaching on the basis of experience, learner feedback and learning outcomes and adapt it accordingly.
  • critically assess their teaching in relation to theoretical principles.
  • create a supprotive atmosphere that invites learners to take part in all varieties of language learining activites.
  • evaluate and select a variety of materials to stimulate the development of all four language skills: reading, listening, speaking, writing.
  • be able to create and assess meaningful units of learning in which aims, activities and assessment are well aligned. 
  • be able to reflect upon their own learning and empower themselves by cultivating an attitude and practices supportive of their continual personal and professional development.
Unterrichtsbezogene Fachausbildung (UFA) Within the context of the English methodology course students are required to do a larger individual project. The aim of the project is to assure students have balance and a wide spectrum of knowledge and skills relating to the subject area with a special view towards curricular requirements. The content and form of the project including evaluation criteria are to be agreed upon in advance by the student and the course moderator. Examples: A student with a stronger background in literary studies may choose or be required to do a project with a linguistic focus. On the other hand, a student with a stronger background in linguistics may choose or be required to do a project with a literary focus. The project output should in any case emphasize the relevance for teaching and learning in the EFL classroom. Other areas of focus could be "Reading for Understanding", "The Writing Process", "Language Learning Strategies", etc.
Lernarrangement The course is conceived as a 2 semester unity and must be completed within the period of one academic year. Seminar Sessions: 10x3 hours each semester. Independent study and project work.
Präsenzregelung In order to fulfill attendance requirements students must be present for at least 80% of the regular meeting times.
Leistungsnachweis The final grade for the course will be based on a credit system and will be determined at the end of the second semester. FD English is given 10 ETCS for the whole academic year, which means that the work done for the course should correspond to approximately 250-300 hours over 2 semesters. The work will include:
  • Preparation for and active participation in seminar sessions
  • Written exams, oral exams, written papers or other projects based on literature of choice
  • Production of lesson plans and learning materials
  • Micro-Teaching

Surkamp, C. & Viebrock, B. (Eds.). (2018). Teaching English as a Foreign Language. An Introduction. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler.
Scrivener, J. (2011). Learning Teaching. The Essential Guide to English Language Teaching. (Third Edition). London: Macmillan.